Friday, October 10, 2014

BOO to Diabetes: The Pros & Cons of being diabetic on Halloween

Yes you read that right! Halloween can be beneficial to a diabetic. It just depends on your level of self-control. It can also be depressing. You think of the times (if you had any) where you trick-or-treated without a care. Me personally, I love Halloween! I love dressing up (and yes I got trick-or-treating at the age of 20--long story ha), handing out candy etc..
The following is a list of the pros & cons of being diabetic on Halloween:


  • Temptation will be uh, tempting. With all the candy that you buy to hand out, or that your child(ren) bring back are starring you in the eyes! You know your limits, but it is oh so good!
  • Non-diabetic family/friends will chastise you for having "sinful sugar" in your house
  • Those who indulge in front of you will give you the "it isn't good" shtick.

Pros: Yes there are some!
  • You can still dress up & enjoy time with friends & family. Just have will-power & try to avoid eating candy (at least in front of others- unless your bg is low)
  • Know your limits & enjoy some candy! Sugar is not going to kill us (if you don't eat a lot, it could cause HI bg). Eat a Snickers or dum-dum. Just know your limits 
  • FREE low bg goodies! Like I mentioned earlier, I am 20 & I have the appearance of a 12 year old so I take advantage & still going Trick-Or-Treating, despite being a T1D & I keep every piece of candy I get. You're probably like "Whaat?" Yes, I always get A LOT of goodies. What I do is put all the candy in a zip-lock bag a fill her up & write low bg on it so my 7 yr old cousin wont devour it.
So Halloween can be awesome, but it's up to you how awesome to make it! 

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