Tuesday, May 12, 2015

SSSSHHHH! ~ Tuesday's Entry for DBlog Week

Today's entry in 2015 Diabetes Blog Week asks the question, Are there any secrets about your diabetes that no one knows about? For myself, I am an open book as far as my diabetes is concerned. Why? Because, I am stuck with this disease until the day I die, unless a cure is found (fingers crossed!). The way I see it, every opportunity to talk about my experience with Diabetes, or diabetes in general, is a chance for awareness. Growing up (before diagnosis), I thought diabetes was a death sentence, but it is not! Now if I had to choose something that I do not talk about concerning my diabetes is that I do not change my lancet like I am supposed too (go ahead & cast stones at me haha). YOu see, a lancet, or the tiny needle that you use to prick your finger to test blood glucose, is SUPPOSED to be changed after every single time we check our blood sugar. I cannot remember my last lancet change. I change mine when it gets dull (about once a month or so). How often do you change yours? Comment below. Now you know my dirty little secret, I'd love to know yours!


  1. I change mine about once or twice a month, but I'd like to try once a week so I feel better about it, haha.

  2. I can't recall the last time I changed mine. Oops.

  3. Remembering to change that thing is so difficult! I like to think that every time I don't change it I am doing my part to create less waste in the world! ;) Thank you for this awesome post, Taylor!

    1. That's a way of thinking about it :)! Thanks for viewing me!

  4. I have no idea when I changed mine last-yikes! Maybe I should go do it now ;-)
