Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spring Cleaning ~ Wednesday's Dblog Week Entry

In yesterday's blog entry, I told you my dastardly secret. Now in today's entry, I an going to talk about what I need to get to get rid of. If there is anything that I need to get rid of is my excess meters (broken ones). I stay with my grandparents mostly. When my grandfather was living, he was a type 2 diabetic. Between him & I, we accumulated quite the number of blood glucose meters. He had about three, I had about 6. I recently looked through them all & about three or four worked. So the rest were thrown away. So to wrap up this short entry, what do you need to get rid of? If you blog, feel free to leave your link in the comments :)! See you tomorrow!


  1. I finally got rid of my old meters last year when we moved halfway across the country. It was such a relief not to worry about schlepping that stuff around anymore!
