Saturday, May 16, 2015

#FBS (Flash Back Saturday) ~ Sat Dblog Entry

Today's entry is about my favorite blog post. I have been blogging since 2012, but switched to this blog last year. At the time of switching, I was having issues with non-diabetic relatives thinking they knew more than I. So I wrote an entry out of frustration called "Non-Diabetic DKA" (click link to go to blog entry). It motivates me to see how far I have come in just a year, as a blogger & diabetic.

 I love this entry because I find it humorous, yet accurate. I hope you enjoy it too! Feel free to share it & leave a comment in this entry to tell me what you think!

Follow me on Twitter: @InsulinDiary to keep up to date!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Food For Thought ~ Friday's Dblog EntryThe point of monitoring

Today's entry is about managing what we eat. This entry will be short.
Most diabetics use a food logbook to keep up with what they eat & how their blood glucose levels. The point of monitoring their food intake is to understand how certain foods affect your blood sugars. My method of managing what I eat is that I do not log my food intake. I have a good memory & I can remember what I eat. I try to stay away from pasta. I also eat in moderation. My methods are simple. How do you manage what you eat?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Changed ~ Thursday's Dblog Entry

Today's questions: are there any changes, as far as your diabetes is concerned, that you need to make?The other question have you made any changes, as far as your diabetes is concerned, that others would be shocked to know?

For me, the answer to the first question is yes. Having diabetes means you will have to make a lot of changes. May you be newly diagnosed or 50+ years strong, you will have to make changes. Every time I go to my endocrinologist, I always have to make some slight changes.

The changes I have made are in my eating habits. I eat in moderation. I used to eat on how hungry I was (bad idea). Now, I still eat the stuff I enjoy, but I eat smarter. After my scare last week when my blood sugar got to over 600 mg/dl, I buckled down even more. I am at the point where I am not as hungry as I used to be. I do eat healthy from time-to-time, but I have to be in the mood for it. I have to be in the mood for a salad in order to eat it.

Are there any changes that my family & friends are shocked about? I am very open about my diabetes. I feel that I can spread awareness by telling of the thing i go through ( Copy & paste the link to see my video about my diabetic life: my daily routine. My family & friends are shocked at how well I manage my diabetes. Yes, I go through periods that test me (on the brink of burnout - see burnout blog entry), but like I have said numerous times, I do not want to end up in bad shape in later years. Over the years I have received a lot of positive feedback about my diabetes management. No, I am not perfect, but I try my very best.

I'd love to hear from you! Leave comments below & tell me about your "changes". Have a great day. Remember, Test Don't Guess!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spring Cleaning ~ Wednesday's Dblog Week Entry

In yesterday's blog entry, I told you my dastardly secret. Now in today's entry, I an going to talk about what I need to get to get rid of. If there is anything that I need to get rid of is my excess meters (broken ones). I stay with my grandparents mostly. When my grandfather was living, he was a type 2 diabetic. Between him & I, we accumulated quite the number of blood glucose meters. He had about three, I had about 6. I recently looked through them all & about three or four worked. So the rest were thrown away. So to wrap up this short entry, what do you need to get rid of? If you blog, feel free to leave your link in the comments :)! See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

SSSSHHHH! ~ Tuesday's Entry for DBlog Week

Today's entry in 2015 Diabetes Blog Week asks the question, Are there any secrets about your diabetes that no one knows about? For myself, I am an open book as far as my diabetes is concerned. Why? Because, I am stuck with this disease until the day I die, unless a cure is found (fingers crossed!). The way I see it, every opportunity to talk about my experience with Diabetes, or diabetes in general, is a chance for awareness. Growing up (before diagnosis), I thought diabetes was a death sentence, but it is not! Now if I had to choose something that I do not talk about concerning my diabetes is that I do not change my lancet like I am supposed too (go ahead & cast stones at me haha). YOu see, a lancet, or the tiny needle that you use to prick your finger to test blood glucose, is SUPPOSED to be changed after every single time we check our blood sugar. I cannot remember my last lancet change. I change mine when it gets dull (about once a month or so). How often do you change yours? Comment below. Now you know my dirty little secret, I'd love to know yours!

Monday, May 11, 2015

I Can! ~ Monday's Dblog Week Entry

I am participating in's "2015 Diabetes Blog Week". To kick it off we have to talk about something we did that we thought we couldn't do. Prior to being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, I was very overweight for my age. To this day I still struggle with my weight, but not as bad. When I was diagnosed back in 2009, I was determined to lose weight. Here I am 9 years later & im in the best shape (weight wise) of my life. I just keep in mind that "I Can!".

Friday, May 8, 2015

My WHOA Moment

Yesterday, I ha the scariest moment of my life (since being diabetic). My blood sugar got the highest it has ever gotten in the nine years I have been a type one diabetic. When I first dxd (medical term for diagnosed) on March 24, 2006. When I was dxd my blood sugar was 464 (<130 is normal). Well, yesterday (after breakfast), I was waiting for my final exam for the semester. I felt very tired so I decided to check my sugar & it was 497! So I washed my hands & it said 353. I did my correction bolus & went & started my exam. Halfway thru my exam I decided to check again. This is when I panicked. My meter said above 600! Let's just say if I passed that exam it will be a miracle. I flew through the last half of the exam & rushed to the ER. By the time i left it was 198, so I was discharged. 
So, what caused this? Not sure. The only advice I can give you if you get in this position, is to stay calm.
Starting Monday, I will  be participating in diabetes blog week! If your interested, here is the link
Stay tuned for my entries!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tandem Diabetes T-slim Insulin Pump Simulation App demo & Review

My latest video, Tandem Diabetes T-slim Insulin Pump Simulation App demo & Review

I posted this entry last week as just the link to my video (feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel! :)). I figured I would do a review of he Tandem Diabetes T-slim Insulin Pump Simulation Application for IPhone/IPod/IP
ad. I will do the pros & cons & overall impression. So let's get started!

*I do not work for Tandem Diabetes in any capacity.*


  1. It lets you get familiar with the T:Slim pump. 
    1. I am eagerly awaiting my T:Slim Insulin Pump! Between this app & watching mommadukes67 channel ( I am very, VERY familiar with the T:Slim Insulin Pump, well the interface at least. 
  2. No lags or bugs.
    1. With the actual T:Slim Pump, if you touch a part of the screen three times, it will lock on you. Say I am in the Bolus menu, & I touch the "view calculations"section three times (maybe I didn't think the touch screen registered my touch gestures). It will lock. All this means is that it will go to sleep like a smart phone.
    2. Don't worry, you'll be right where you left off. 

CONS: Only 1!

  1. The only con I have about this application is that it lacks features. 
    1. I think they should include a simulation of changing the pump. Basically the app could be used to help one learn how to use & change a T:Slim Pump. 

Overall, the Tandem Diabetes T-slim Insulin Pump Simulation App is very handy & I recommend it to anyone who is tempted to switch of start pumping with the T:Slim. 

4/5 Stars!