Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Being A Diabetic

    First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers! I hope you have a great time with your loved ones & that your BGs don't suffer too much. With Thanksgiving comes food, SO MUCH FOOD! And with such food comes family members who "Have your best interest at heart" & do things that drive you mad, like watching you [the diabetic] as you get your plate (well plates for me) or stare at your pate as you chow down. Kind of looks like the above picture right? This article is to tell you how to keep calm & enjoy Thanksgiving.
    First off keep in mind that they actually have your best interest at heart. Most are afraid that their diabetic loved on/s will end up on dialysis like their friend's sister's husband's grandfather or believe eating right will cure diabetes. They do care about you, just have a hard time with the fact you're diabetic. If you have one of both of the instances mentioned earlier, just try your best to hold your tongue. I know how hard that is trust me.
  Second,  If you expect glaring glances or eyeballs watching what you eat or put on our plate, probably indicates that you are eating too much & know it. I've been this way at times & know how hard the temptations are to pass (sweets etc...) & all diabetics have times where they cave in & have a piece of pie or something. Now, I don't eat sweets hardly ever & if I do, it's delicious! Just have to keep an eye on my BG. But just know when enough is enough.

Lastly, if you know the people that are like I mentioned, have a talk with them before the event (when you're not upset at them) & tell them how you feel. I always assure my relatives that do this that I am the diabetic & I know the do's & don'ts & if I under-bolus/over-bolus for the feast, I will handle it & appreciate their love & concern for me. Talking beforehand may ease the tension for some.

How do you overcome these types of relatives?
Comment below or tweet me @insulin_junkie9
follow me on Twitter, Instagram (insulin_junkie9) YouTube & make sure to subscribe to my blog.
Starting next semester of college I will have more time to blog, so expect more!
Again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone & God Bless!

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