Friday, May 8, 2015

My WHOA Moment

Yesterday, I ha the scariest moment of my life (since being diabetic). My blood sugar got the highest it has ever gotten in the nine years I have been a type one diabetic. When I first dxd (medical term for diagnosed) on March 24, 2006. When I was dxd my blood sugar was 464 (<130 is normal). Well, yesterday (after breakfast), I was waiting for my final exam for the semester. I felt very tired so I decided to check my sugar & it was 497! So I washed my hands & it said 353. I did my correction bolus & went & started my exam. Halfway thru my exam I decided to check again. This is when I panicked. My meter said above 600! Let's just say if I passed that exam it will be a miracle. I flew through the last half of the exam & rushed to the ER. By the time i left it was 198, so I was discharged. 
So, what caused this? Not sure. The only advice I can give you if you get in this position, is to stay calm.
Starting Monday, I will  be participating in diabetes blog week! If your interested, here is the link
Stay tuned for my entries!
Have a great day!


  1. Wow, how scary!! I'm so glad you are okay.

    And thanks so much for the DBlogWeek shout-out.

    1. You're most welcome :). It's an honor to be apart of it!
